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 Advocating for people with chronic illness

As someone who has primary ciliary dyskinesia, dextrocardia, Kartagener syndrome and Vertigo, I understand how it can become our identity. In this video I’d like to advocate for people like myself who have a chronic illness.
If you’re looking for help managing your chronic illness, I can help.

If you would prefer to read instead of watching the video here is a transcript:

Hey, how are you doing today? I want to advocate a little bit for people that struggle with chronic illness and chronic symptoms in their life, whether it’s mental or physical. I know that I’ve put out there a lot the things that I struggle with, and I share that because I deal with it too.

I remember when I first started losing weight about 11 years ago. I used to weigh about 325 lbs, and I lost the weight through healthy eating and fitness, doing CrossFit and everything. My trainer and CrossFit instructor said that we’ve got a motto here, and the motto is, “Our warm-up is your workout.” The warm-up was probably as intense as any workout I’ve ever done. The point of me telling you that is because people that deal with chronic illness, mental fatigue, and different struggles in life, that’s kind of like their baseline. I am always in pain. I always feel like crap. I’ve got maybe 10 or 15 days a year where I feel really good, and that’s how I know that I feel like the rest of the time. Otherwise, it would be my baseline.

The reason I want to bring this up and advocate for people that deal with this stuff is because there are a lot of people that deal with it in different ways. Some people post about it all the time because they deal with it all the time, and it’s hard. It sucks. But I just want to help people understand and be aware that this is usually a constant thing that’s always going on. This is something that they feel all the time.

I just got over about a month and a half of having bad vertigo, and even though the bad vertigo is gone, I still have vertigo. I still feel like crap. It’s still hard for me to do stuff. For people that don’t deal with chronic conditions, this is just kind of a reminder that for those who do, it’s not something that comes and goes typically. It’s something that’s there pretty much all the time. Even if it’s not there to the extreme on the days that they feel good, they still feel pretty crappy. Our best days are probably some of your worst.

I just want to put that out there, and I hope it helps bring some awareness.


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